ETI Audience Response System Keypad
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"ETI's Audience Response System was a very useful tool - making our event more interactive, engaging and fun, while providing our client with tangible feedback."

James Benson, President
Vision Quest Productions

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How does the Audience Response System work?

Audience Response Matrix

Audience Response Systems, Interacting with Your Audience

Audience Response Systems offer the ability to interact with your audience through the use of common technology, enabling the presentor to display valuable question and reply scenerios.

Audience PollingAudience Response at Event

Questions with a numbered range of choices are displayed on a video projection screen. Audience members respond to the questions using the wireless handheld keypads. Using the keypads is simple. The ARS allows your audience to respond anonymously to the questions presented or you may choose to assign keypads to participants. When the question is presented on the video screen, participants enter the number associated with their choice (1-10, A-E, YES/NO, True-False).

Sample Audience Polling Screens

Within seconds a result graph is displayed reflecting the group's collective response. The data is stored on disk and can be sorted by individual attendee and/ or pre-determined demographic groups. At the end of your event, you walk away with the response data in your hands. You will receive the data on disk and report viewer software to view it at your desktop.

Game Show Format & Team Competitions

Audience Response Game Show PollQuestions have a correct answer and are assigned points. Establish teams to compete. Teams can be designed in any number of ways. Here are a few examples:

  • Break your audience in to several teams (Sales Divisions, Regions, Departments)
  • Each audience member competes against each other or against themselves
  • Audience competes against a predetermined 'Expert' in your Company or Industry
  • When the pre-programmed questions are presented on the video screen, participants enter the number associated with their choice (1-10, A-E, YES/ NO, True-False).

Within seconds a result graph is displayed reflecting the team or individual response and who scored points on the question. Intermittently, throughout the game, a Team Standing or Individual Standing screen will be displayed to show who is winning.

Sample Game Screens

Who Wins? The team or person with the most points. We will work with you to design a format that is personalized for your audience and event message.


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